Sussex Gymnastics needs as many clubs as possible to get involved and help promote gymnastics in Sussex.

Without volunteers, our sport would not survive! Make the effort today!

There is always something to do; either representing the interests of one of the Disciplines or one of the Clubs. Helping out need not take a lot of time; Sussex Gymnastics holds very few meetings each year, and there's always a team of people around to advise and help out. Committee members do not need to be a coach, a senior gymnast or parent would be just as good and often better, especially for the "officers" listed here.

Here are the roles of the people involved in the management of Sussex Gymnastics. These Sussex Gymnastics committee members are elected at the AGM in May, with our next AGM being held on 7th May 2025.


  • Chair meetings of the Committee and the Association
  • Represent the Association at functions/meetings that the Association has been invited to
  • Act as spokesperson for the Association when necessary.


  • Act as "chair" in the absence of the elected chair-person.


  • Supervise the financial affairs of the Association
  • Keep proper accounts that show all monies collected and paid out by the Association
  • Prepare accounts which must be audited for approval at the AGM.


  • Take and keep minutes of meetings
  • Prepare the agenda for meetings of the Committee and the Association in consultation with the Chairperson
  • Maintain the membership list
  • Deal with correspondence
  • Collect and circulate any relevant information within the Association.

Discipline representatives

  1. Send an introductory email to all clubs about the rep and the discipline after each AGM. Ask clubs involved in the discipline what they would like to happen. Include a link to the rep’s page on the website.
  2. Request updates from clubs to create reports for county meetings
  3. Maintain a Sussex event calendar for their discipline (shared with the secretary)
  4. Organise county training (include these dates in the county calendar)
  5. Organise county events (including competitions)
    • Publish results for county competitions as soon as possible.
    • Inform clubs which gymnasts have qualified for a higher level competition as soon as possible
    • Provide open and clear information on how qualification places are assigned

Welfare Officer

  • a point of contact and support for club welfare officers
  • maintain contact details for local social services, police and area child protection committees (ACPC)
  • ensure confidentiality is maintained; information is only shared on a “need to know” basis.
  • Essential qualifications
    • Club Welfare Officer 

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